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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Jewelry: Sorted

I love jewelry. I don't have a lot of it, but that's changing. I own a beautiful silver-toned jewel box, but it doesn't hold everything. This means my baubles make a mess of my nightstand or get tangled in a bag.  I decided that it would be nice to create a nice display organizer to go over my night stand. This would be my second attempt at a solution actually. The last one was a minor disaster and an even bigger eyesore. I didn't even bother to photograph it. This is better. Just better.

I started with two old store bought pictures that I didn't have a place for in my house. The frames on them were gorgeous, and I came to realize that's why I still had them. They had sage colored mats however, and that did not fit the plan. In fact, that just made the mats look dingy. Black acrylic paint solved this problem nicely. I used a dry brush and applied the paint sparingly and the result gave it a woody, natural looking texture. Next,  I prepared the cardboard backing from the original picture by covering it in craft foam sheets in black. I just used my hot glue gun for this because I  was feeling impatient and didn’t want to wait for white glue to dry. Also using hot glue, I covered the padded side of the board with a fat corner of black fabric. This all got reassembled (minus the picture) into the frame. This was easy for this frame because I didn’t have to remove any of the staples that secure everything in place.

This is the cardboard backing covered in foam. I had just enough!

To actually have somewhere to place the jewelry, I turned to wine corks. I have a collection of these as well. I chose the cheap artificial ones for this because I have more of these and because of their uniformity. For post earrings I cut the corks in half and wrapped them with silver-toned wire strung with purple glass seed beads. I attached them using screws and hot glue. Run the screw through the back of the board to the front the screw the cork about halfway onto the screw. Add a drop of hot glue, then finish attaching the cork. Add a drop of ho glue over the head of the screw for extra security. The earrings just slip into the cork, and I only keep the backs in the jewelry box.

For bracelets and rings, I used whole corks with divots carved into the sides. I decorated these with more wire, and a silver mother of pearl at each end of the cork. I attached these one at either end of the inner mat using the previous technique. The rings are placed on bamboo sticks that lay in the grooves. For the bracelets I glued several sticks together for strength. The rings and bracelets get placed between the corks and nothing slides off.

I love this so far. Another part that I love is that I can add to it. As you can see, I began using it before adding a second row of earrings and the bracelets. I have the other frame to use for necklaces, but I haven't decided on a design there yet. There are quite a few of chains, beads, and ribbons, and some are quite long, so I want to get it right. At any rate, I hope this design inspires you to create something good looking and useful out of your odds and ends. Please feel free to drop me a comment below, and be sure to check back every so often. I have a few other projects in the works that I can't wait to finish and share with you. Some even involve antiques!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A Simple Fabric Covered Box

Hello again crafty budgeters. I had a free evening and a small annoyance to tackle recently and so I stopped procrastinating and got to work. Hubby and I sit daily on our full-sized couch. Its soft and comfy and gives us way to much space too plop things down on the cushion in the center. Seriously, remotes, cell phones, notebooks, mice and keyboards, etc. It gets to the point where we start knocking things off and blaming each other for pushing in back and forth. My solution comes in the form of a small cardboard box, two fat quarters, Elmer's glue, and and some foam padding.

This little box was the perfect size for my needs. Just big enough to contain the junk that made simply sitting down a chore. I colored the outside of the box black to avoid its previously white and black print to show through. Frozen juice concentrate is not the look I was aiming for after all. I then cut a piece of the black fabric large enough to cover the entirety of the outside of the box, as well as the inside upright edges. I affixed it to the box with a thin coat of Elmer's white glue as though I were wrapping a gift and adding more glue to the flaps. The patterned fabric was used to cover the foam pad I added to the bottom. This was done to reduce the noise and potential damage of things being tossed in carelessly (yes, referring to myself).

That last application of glue necessitated the extra inserts seen above. I simply sized two thin pieces of card stock from junk mail and glued a bit of the patterned fabric neatly to them. I glued them over the messy flaps. So much better.

Here's everything all neatly assembled. Since I literally bought nothing for this project I cannot accurately give an idea of the costs. I often pick up fabric remnants and fat corners on clearance, and I had these on hand already. I've also been known to re-purpose other sources of material from sheets, old clothes, etc. so get creative. Let me know what you think of this quickie craft in the comments below.

Also, I need a wall-mountable jewelry storage solution. Any ideas?

Friday, September 22, 2017

Where I Get Ideas to Try

Hello fellow budgeters! I've been away for quite awhile, I know. Things have been a special kind of crazy in my life ranging from no car (resolved) to training for a new position at work. Family changes have been a constant too, so I haven't had the time to tackle many household annoyances or try many crafts.

Now that I'm getting used to my new schedule and family obligations I have decided that it is time to reclaim my thrifty creativeness. While I do have many original ideas born of necessity, I often base ideas on things, posts, videos, and tutorials I see both in real life and online. I thought I would share some of these ideas with you to help get your creative juices flowing.

This is routinely my first stop. Other people have scoured the internet looking for solutions to problems, and have kindly placed links to them all in one easy to find place. I mostly use this for recipes, but I'd be lying if I said that was all. I find that unless you have ample time to scroll through the likely millions of posts available,  searching Pinterest by keyword is the way to go. I also find that sorting posts that I save helps to find them when I need them. I've even begun a board just for this blog to highlight the projects I've done here.

I love YouTube. There are so many instructive videos that one can literally sit in front of it for hours and not even begin to scratch the surface of what is available. Jewelry design, life hacks, sewing tutorials, beauty DIYs, and technology how to's are just a few of the things I resort to YouTube for. Its not all fail and haul videos.

I have looked at Hometalk a few times in the past, but recently I have taken a closer look, and I am impressed! My countertops and cabinets were replaced a few months ago, and Hubby and I decided we wanted a backsplash. While we have put those plans on hold for a while, I found many ideas suitable for an apartment right on Hometalk. This is a great source for home décor and hack ideas.

Craft store sites (Michaels, Fire Mountain Gems, JoAnn's)

Retail sites have gone out of their way to ensure that you purchase what they're selling. One good side effect is that many craft supply sites will have free tutorials and patterns using the items that they sell. There are way too many to list here, but give it a try. You may be surprised. Don't forget to try product manufacturers too, such as Lion Brand Yarn, etc.

I hope this has been helpful. If so, please let me know in the comments. I love sharing gems like these, and would love to hear about any good sites you may have found. This is a topic I would love to revisit a bit more, and of course, find great new ideas!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Flower Pots for Next to Nothing pt. 2

If you’ve been keeping up with my admittedly sporadic posts, you know that I have been working on killing the overgrowth in my garden by smothering it with potted plants. My first experiment with Folgers containers are holding up well, so I used them as the base for this new design.

I started by removing the label, then measuring bamboo skewers to fit into the straight parts of the container. It has bulges at the top and bottom, and I wanted to glue the skewers flush with the sides. I cut the skewers down to size using old wire snips from my jewelry making tools. I attached them as shown using hot glue.

I'm afraid I waited a bit long to transplant these last begonias. Most of the blooms have gone. Still...

The bulges in the can I covered using jewelry making cord. I attached this with hot glue too. Once cooled, I flipped the whole thing over and stabbed a few drainage holes in the bottom. The finished project turned out even better than the first design in my opinion. What do you think?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Flower Pots for Next to Nothing pt. 1

When I moved into my apartment a few years ago, I was thrilled to have a tiny garden area I could play with. Small doesn’t really even begin describe the space, but its mine. Problem is, that being strapped for money, I couldn’t afford to buy much for the space. My neighbor worked as a landscaper at the time and was able to get me canna lilies, some sort of bamboo, some purple flower that grows on long vines that look like twigs (don’t know the name) and umbrella grass. I love his initiative, but these are all plants that grow wildly out of control. Rather than digging all of this up, I have come up with the idea of limiting them by covering them with potted flowers instead. Pots cost money though, and there just isn’t much (well any) to spare.

I started looking through my collected odd and ends and realized I had a few usable containers around the house. The one I started with was a small plastic Folgers Coffee can. Its bright red and obviously and old Folgers container so that needed changing. I remembered a post where a woman covered her whole floor in paper bags. It looked a bit like leather when it was done, and I liked that idea. I pulled out my trusty Mod Podge, a paint brush, a small paper bag and got to work. I ripped the paper bags into smallish pieces and applied them to the container making sure to overlap each of the pieces and the top and bottoms of the containers. Then I coated the entire outside in another layer of Mod Podge to weatherproof it. I like how it turned out, despite the fact that the red shows through. I paired the two I made in this style with red begonias (under $2 for a flat of 6 at Walmart). They look cute in the garden.

The first coffee can planter all finished and filled.
The terra cotta planter I already had made a good home too.

I haven’t come up with a plan for the next few planters. I have a few large coffee cans, plenty of glass bottles, and a few plastic bottles and jugs to work with. Any suggestions? Please leave them in the comments below.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Another Cat Toy Done on the Cheap

Willow (previously known as Test Kitten, T.K. for short) has grown, and so have her needs. She gained size, but lost none of her energy, and so needs more cat safe activities to keep her out of trouble. When I noticed how excited she got over some pool noodles that hubby and I bought (to be featured in  another project), I figured that would be the perfect building block for Willow's new scratchy-batty-chew toy.

Early test to see if she's even interested. She is!

The base was the side of a drawer from my soon to be replaced (fingers crossed) wardrobe. We stabilized it using small sections of pool noodle cut in half length-wise secured with duct tape . The longer vertical section of noodle was secured with my trusty Gorilla Glue.The fuzzy ladybug toy was from a package of assorted toys. She played with it maybe 3 times since getting it, and it had a dangle to tie it to something, so I did. I poked a length of ribbon through the top of the noodle and knotted it at a length to facilitate maximum swinging. 

Shortly after this pic, the toy was attacked from above.
I covered the base using some scrap fabric I had laying around. I figured she would think the duct tape was the real novelty and so this cover seemed like a good idea. It looks better too. Although this doesn't get as much love as some other toys, she still loves to beat this mercilessly. Another win on the cheap.

After many attacks a few weeks later. As you can see, it stands up to the Willow test.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Preparing Old Wine Bottles for Upcycling

I have been collecting old wine and liquor bottles since we moved into this apartment. On occasion so bring them home from work, the rest are from cooking and personal consumption here at home. Since hubby gathered them all together and they filled a whole box, I figured I better use them.
My first project will be a set of small organizers for a small metal rack in my bedroom. The wire shelves make using some containers here troublesome, so I figure heave glass containers will be the perfect solution for holding combs, brushes, and other small items that always seem to get lost and tossed around. Plus it has to look better than the old shoe box I am using now.

The first step is to clean the bottles and remove the labels. I hit up Pinterest as usual and came across a very useful pin that compared label removal methods. To spare you the trouble of looking it up, soaking the bottles and a mixture of very hot water and baking soda works best. Since not all ornate bottles were clean, I decided to combine the cleaning and label removing steps and added dish soap to the soak water. It seems that the cheaper the wine, the harder it is therefore the label. Ok, there's nothing scientific in that, just observational. Also clear bottles seem to be a bit harder to work with - perhaps a stronger adhesive?

Here are my results from the first four bottles that I soaked. While I got all of the labels off, I am left with a bit of glue to clean up. Still, this is better than hours of peeling and scraping. To remove the left over residue, and even some left over sticker scraps from the second set I did (not pictured) I turned to canola oil. Just wipe a good layer over the affected areas and allow it to sit for a n hour or two. The oil beaks down the adhesive enough to be easily wiped or lightly scraped from the bottle. Then just wash away the oil with dish soap.

Here are the final results, all ready to be cut and decorated. I can't wait to get to the next step!